Our Girls

Sidney May

She is our youngest. She is about to be a mom. She loves life. We can ask any dog in our kennel where May is and they turn to look at her. Everyone love Lil MayMay. Sweet girl.


Roux is extremely low key. She just goes with the flow each day. Loves life and humans. She also has a close bond with Sandy. Feeling is mutual!


Gemma has the shiniest coat. She is athletic and loves to play with her sister. Very loving and loves to get cuddled with everyday. They live on a ranch so places to play are everywhere!


She is very playful. Running the property is her joy. Of course she stops long enough to get on our laps for daily loving.


This little girl is playful. She is on the lower end of weight for a Mini. Not toy or teacup but a petite little lady. She loves to run and play with the other Mini’s. She loves us to cuddle with her.


This lil lady is Dixie’s sister. They both were kept to carry on the Grand Champion blood from their Mom’s side. She must have a cuddle session everyday. We are certainly happy to do that for her!


Abby loves her master Kris. When he comes in from work she gets in his arms and actually hugs his neck. She absolutely loves him the most! It is a love you can see right off. See her lecturing her pups?

Miss Mona

Mona is so quiet and sweet. May May and her are best friends. They are inseparable. Not kin but their closeness is unbelievable. They keep each other on the right track. Love to watch them navigate this world. They are close in age.

Penny Jo

Penny Jo(Penny) is a sweet lil lady. Hardly barks and such a lover to all who meet her. She will be a calm mother as she teaches her pups. 

Circle R Daisy

Daisy is a gentle soul. Her pups are highly recommended by past buyers for their awesome personalities.  She is a liver pepper Parti. Her fur  is thick and soft. It is called a mega goat.